Krešimir Partl, State Secretary

Professional career:
- State Secretary, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia (2016) - appointed areas of responsibility include media and audiovisual industries, entrepreneurship in cultural and creative industries, cultural and artistic development, investments in culture, cultural heritage protection, international cultural cooperation and European affairs and European Union programs
- Assistant to the Secretary General of the Office of the President of the Republic of Croatia (May 2015 - November 2016)
- Secretary to the Cabinet of the Minister of Culture of the Republic of Croatia, Senior Adviser in the Ministry of Culture (2004 - May 2015)
Expert and professional involvements and activities:
- contributed to the drafting and implementation of strategic documents and operational plans of the Ministry of Culture and Media
- presided over working groups tasked with the drafting of legal regulations in the field of culture and media
- Member of the Management Board of the Croatian Sports Museum
- Head of the Intermediary body level 1 at the Ministry of Culture and Media, as part of the system tasked with managing and supervising the implementation of the Operational program Efficient Human Resources 2014-2020
- Head of PHARE, IPA (component I) and the Transition Facility (senior program leader) presiding over the expert committee
- Member of the Sub-committee for Coordination and Monitoring of the ESI Funds implementation
- tasked with implementation and management over projects and programs funded by the European Union
- Member of the National Committee for Social Policy Development
- Member of the Monitoring Committee for Operational program Competitiveness and Cohesion 2014 - 2020
- Member of the Monitoring Committee for Operational program Efficient Human Resources 2014 -2020
- Member of the Monitoring Committee for Operational program Efficient Human Resources 2021 - 2027
- Member of the Monitoring Committee for Operational program Competitiveness and Cohesion 2021-2027 and Integrated Territorial Program 2021 - 2027
- Investment Holder for the reforms conducted by the Ministry of Culture and Media within the National Recovery and Resilience Plan 2021 - 2026
- Member of the Council for Civil Society Development
- Member of the working group for drafting program documentation for the EU Financial Framework 2021 - 2027, as its representative for the specific objective 4.viii.+ Supporting active inclusion to promote equal opportunities and active participation, and to improve employability
Education and vocational training:
- Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Zagreb, title of qualification awarded: Bachelor of Political Sciences (1997 - 2003)
- State Exam (2005)
Skills and competences:
- knowledge of cultural and creative industries and the legal framework for the field of culture, with special emphasis on audiovisual and media sectors, and the competence in developing the systems for their progress, modernization and competitiveness
- experience in managing investment project in the field of culture
- experience in managing EU funded projects
Foreign languages:
- English
Married, father to two children