Mramorna dvorana Guvernerove palače u Rijeci ugostit će u srijedu, 20. travnja 2011. godine, ljubljanski Gudački kvartet Tartini, a gošća koncerta, solistica na glasoviru, bit će mlada, ali već svjetski poznata hrvatska pijanistica Martina Filjak.
Gudački kvartet Tartini pravi je ambasador slovenske klasične glazbe, a njihovi nastupi u pravilu postižu velike uspjehe kod publike i kritike. Sviraju širok repertoar – od baroka do djela 20. stoljeća. Pijanistica Martina Filjak, koju smo već predstavili čitateljima “LivingStonea”, ubraja se među najdarovitije i najnagrađivanije hrvatske glazbenike mlađeg naraštaja. “Umjetnica galvanizirajuće snage” s “magnetskom scenskom prisutnosti”, redovito oduševljava publiku i kritiku diljem svijeta.
Na programu koncerta su Gudački kvartet u g-molu, op.10 Claudea Debussyja te Klavirski kvintet u f-molu, op.34 Johannesa Brahmsa u kojemu će riječka publika imati prigodu upoznati pijanisticu Martinu Filjak u komornoj suradnji sa sjajnim kvartetom Tartini.
Nastup u Rijeci bit će i prigoda da se u neposrednoj blizini Gorskoga kotara podsjetimo prekrasne inicijative koju je preuzela mlada pijanistica. Potkraj prošle godine Martina Filjak je na vlastitu inicijativu, sporazumom s Ministarstvom kulture, imenovana ambasadoricom risa kao najugroženije velike zvijeri u Hrvatskoj.
“Ne pretjerujem kada kažem da sam u Gorskome kotaru provela najsretnije, najuzbudljivije i najljepše trenutke svojeg djetinjstva. Zvukovi prirode, mirisi i boje koje sam tamo doživjela pratili su me u učenju, glazbi, svirci... vidjela sam, čula i svirala Gorski kotar u glazbi Bacha, Bartoka, Ravela i njihovom mističnom tonskom svijetu. Nakon jednog od prvih posjeta Risnjaku, kao gotovo fanatičnu obožavateljicu svih životinja mačjeg roda, fascinirala me i oduševila mačja inkarnacija Risnjaka – ris. Divlji i neuhvatljiv, a istovremeno bezvremenski duh Gorskoga kotara za mene je posve utjelovljen u ovom divljem i neodoljivom biću. Kada sam nedavno saznala da je risovima ugrožena egzistencija, uplašila sam se i za njih, ali i zbog onoga što Gorski kotar predstavlja: neobuzdanu divljinu u samom srcu Hrvatske i Europe”, objašnjava Martina svoju pobudu da se založi za spas risa.
I premda u svom godišnjem rasporedu ima 60 koncerata na 4 kontinenta uključujući Sjevernu i Južnu Ameriku i Aziju, Martina je poželjela svoja domaća i međunarodna pojavljivanja i djelovanje staviti u službu prirode i risova, sa željom da na taj način privuče pozornost međunarodne kulturne, ali i diplomatske i političke javnosti na risove i njihovu budućnost…..
Koncert u Rijeci nosi, dakle, uz prekrasni glazbeni događaj kojem će publika prisustvovati, i poruku za očuvanjem populacije risa u netaknutoj prirodi Gorskoga kotara, koju prvi put pronosi Martine Filjak kao ambasadorice risa.
The young Croatian pianist and the renowned Slovenian quartet in Rijeka
The Marble Hall of the Governor’s Palace in Rijeka will host the “String Quartet Tartini” from Ljubljana on Wednesday 20th April 2011, with the guest of the concert being the young piano soloist and already a renowned world pianist from Croatia, Martina Filjak.
“String Quartet Tartini” is a true ambassador of Slovenian classical music, and their performances always achieve great success both with the audience and the critics. They play a wide repertoire – from the Baroque to the 20th century works. The pianist Martina Filjak, who has already been introduced to the readers of the Livingstone magazine, is considered as one of the most talented and the most awarded Croatian young generation musicians. “An artist with galvanizing power” and “magnetic presence on scene” regularly thrills the audience and critics all over the world. The concert program includes the String Quartet in g-minor, op. 10 by Claude Debussy, and the Piano Quintet in f-minor, op. 34 by Johannes Brahms, in which the audience in Rijeka will have the opportunity to get to know the pianist Martina Filjak in a chamber cooperation with the fantastic quartet Tartini.
The performance in Rijeka nearby Gorski Kotar will also be an opportunity to remind ourselves of the great initiative this young pianist started. At the end of last year, Martina Filjak was named the ambassador of the lynx as the most endangered large beast in Croatia on her own initiative, on agreement with the Ministry of Culture. “I do not exaggerate when I say that I have spent some of the happiest, the most exciting and the most beautiful moments of my childhood in Gorski Kotar. The sounds of nature, the smells and colors I have experienced there followed me in my studies, music, playing… I have seen, heard and played Gorski Kotar in music by Bach, Bartok, Ravel and their mystic world of tones. After one of my first visits to Risnjak, as an almost fanatic lover of all kinds of cats, I was fascinated and delighted by the cat incarnation of Risnjak – the lynx. Wild and uncatchable, and at the same time a timeless spirit of Gorski Kotar is to me completely embodied in this wild and irresistible creature. When I have recently found out that the existence of lynxes is endangered, I was afraid both for them and for what Gorski Kotar represents: unrestrained wilderness in the very heart of Croatia and Europe”, Martina explained her wish to speak up for the salvation of the lynx.
Although there are 60 concerts on 4 continents in her yearly schedule, including North and South America and Asia, Martina wanted to put her local and international appearances into the service of nature and the lynx, thus wishing to attract attention of the international cultural, but also diplomatic and political public to the lynx and their future…
Therefore, besides the wonderful music event for the public, the concert in Rijeka carries a message for the preservation of lynx population in the intact nature of Gorski Kotar, as one of the first public performances of Martina Filjak as the ambassador of the lynx.
ožujak - lipanj 2011.