The Project Ecomuseum „Batana“ inscribed in the UNESCO Register of Best ICH Safeguarding Practices is a unique approach to the preservation of both tangible and intangible heritage of the Adriatic town of Rovinj on the basis of the initiative of the local inhabitants and development projects that have been planned and implemented during many years by the local community in cooperation with excellent experts.
The exceptional active engagement of the bearers of traditional heritage of Rovinj has been continually supported by the town and county authorities, as well as the Ministry of Culture. Various activities have been implemented on the protection and safeguarding of the skill of making this wooden boat called
batana, of traditional songs
bitinade, of local speech, making of traditional objects as well as of other traditional values of Rovinj. Such an all-encompassing approach to the project has resulted in the continuous safeguarding of cultural heritage of Rovinj, its inclusion into the everyday life of the town's inhabitants and quality promotion of the heritage of Rovinj in Croatia and abroad.